Strategic plan 2022-2027
You are here: Home / Principles / Facilitate the dissemination of the principles of equity, sustainability, inclusion and respect for diversity in every area
Principle 4

Facilitate the dissemination of the principles of equity, sustainability, inclusion and respect for diversity in every area


The Alma Mater Studiorum pursues its institutional goals "with the responsible support of all the members of the University community, each to the extent of their own responsibilities". This community abides by its "primary value", namely "the respect for all individuals' fundamental rights, which the University undertakes to promote and protect under all circumstances" (University Statute, Article 1, paragraph 5).

The Alma Mater is aware that individuals' fundamental rights are a codified moral heritage of the Italian Republic, of the European Union and of the United Nations, which however constantly expands in the light of the new needs of society and history.
The Alma Mater undertakes to facilitate the enforcement of the principles of equity, sustainability, inclusion and respect for diversity in every area of its institutional activities.

By implementing these principles, the Alma Mater Studiorum shall not only continuously respect all longstanding rights, which constantly require care and protection against the threat of falling backwards, but it is also fully committed to opening up to dialogue and to promoting new rights that our increasingly complex society calls for, by acknowledging and further enhancing them.


Goal 40

Expand services for students with disabilities and students with SLD

Concerns: Student community Society


Goal 4: Quality education
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities


Digitalisation, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism
Education and research
Inclusion and cohesion
Goal 41

Foster research, training and third mission on the principles of equity, sustainability, inclusion and respect of diversity

Concerns: Student community Teaching and Research Staff Technical and Administrative staff Society


Goal 5: Gender equality
Goal 10: Reduced inequalities


Digitalisation, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism
Education and research
Inclusion and cohesion
Goal 42

Streamline processes, also thanks to digital transformation

Concerns: Student community Teaching and Research Staff Technical and Administrative staff


Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure


Digitalisation, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism
Inclusion and cohesion
Goal 43

Improve occupational wellbeing

Concerns: Teaching and Research Staff Technical and Administrative staff


Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth


Digitalisation, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism
Inclusion and cohesion
Goal 44

Foster gender equality in the access to higher education, recruitment and career progression

Concerns: Student community Teaching and Research Staff Technical and Administrative staff Society


Goal 5: Gender equality
Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth


Digitalisation, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism
Green revolution and ecological transition
Education and research
Inclusion and cohesion
Goal 45

Act to prevent risks, improve buildings and spaces safety and accessibility

Concerns: Student community Teaching and Research Staff Technical and Administrative staff Society


Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth


Digitalisation, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism
Green revolution and ecological transition
Inclusion and cohesion
Goal 46

Enhance the University assets and real estate

Concerns: Student community Businesses and organisations Teaching and Research Staff Technical and Administrative staff


Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities


Digitalisation, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism
Inclusion and cohesion
Goal 47

Foster scientific and teaching activities on the sustainability of personal and community services

Concerns: Student community Teaching and Research Staff Technical and Administrative staff


Goal 10: Reduced inequalities


Inclusion and cohesion
Goal 48

Reduce energy consumption and improve the energy efficiency of buildings

Concerns: Student community Teaching and Research Staff Technical and Administrative staff Society


Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy
Goal 13: Climate action


Green revolution and ecological transition
Goal 49

Facilitate low environmental impact mobility

Concerns: Student community Businesses and organisations Teaching and Research Staff Technical and Administrative staff


Goal 13: Climate action


Green revolution and ecological transition
Infrastructure for sustainable mobility
Goal 50

Adopt an efficient environmental management model, also in the framework of circular economy

Concerns: Student community Teaching and Research Staff Technical and Administrative staff


Goal 12: Responbible consumption and production


Digitalisation, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism
Green revolution and ecological transition