Deputy Rector for Research
Research Division
Innovation Division
Planning and Communication Division
METRICS: Evaluation of the products published for the years from t-5 to t-1 by the population in service as of 31-12 of year t. The unique index, for each research product, is given by the weighted average between the percentile of the journal impact indicator and the percentile of the number of citations. The weighting of the two percentiles varies on the basis of the author’s VQR Area and is consistent with the VQR 11/14 (up to 2019) and VQR 15/19 (starting from 2020) criteria. Each product can have a Single Index value between 0 and 1. The indicator is calculated only for Professors in the bibliometric areas.
Source: University Data Warehouse
METRICS: Percentage of Class A articles according to the ANVUR-ASN lists (IRIS) based on the competition sectors of authors against total number of publications by authors in non-bibliometric areas. In year t, the publications of the period t-2/t are taken into account.
Source: IRIS Application; University Data Warehouse